Sunday, April 20, 2014

They didn't know Sunday was coming...

It is a big day for us for two reasons! #1 Easter and #2 We made it to 34 Weeks!!!

I haven't been able to shake this idea that when Jesus was cruicified, they didn't know Sunday (His resurrection) was coming. I have been thinking about this ever since I read a post from this blog and I wanted to give her credit because the words have stuck with me. The blog talks about how they didn't know Sunday was coming. They didn't know Jesus would conquer death and be resurrected. What a dark and sad day it must have been on the Friday and Saturday before. It must have felt...hopeless.

I think we have all had times in our lives that felt like "Sunday was never coming." When you are waiting to start your family and every month comes with another wave of disappointment, it can make you doubt that "Sunday" will ever arrive. When you apply for dozens of jobs without any interviews, it can make you doubt that "Sunday" will every arrive.

Without the hope of Christ, I wonder how people make it through the day. I have often said that the best way I can describe what it is like to be a Christian is that I always have hope. Without hope, what is there that makes us take one more step towards a goal that seems impossible? Without hope, why would we keep trying when we encounter failure after failure? Satan tells us their is no hope but somehow we all feel that little voice telling us that it will be ok. That is the hope that Christ gave us when he rose on the 3rd day. He showed us that this life isn't the end. Our story can have an alternate ending at any point in time. A happy ending that He already paid the price for, with the hope that you would take Him up on his offer. Your ticket has already been bought and it was a price none of us could have ever paid on our own.

This Easter I just keep thinking of the concept that they didn't know Sunday was coming and how thankful I am to know the ending to the story. Whatever your "Sunday" may is coming.

Our "Sunday"...the arrival of our miracle almost here. 12 days ago we were sitting in a hospital room talking about the NICU, medications, birth plans and contractions. We were not sure we would make it to 34 weeks but the Lord has blessed us with a little more time for our little ones to grow. We had a brief visit again on Wednesday but turned out to be a UTI which can cause contractions. We were happily sent home with antibiotics a few hours later. I am still on modified bed rest with a few short outings allowed. I can officially say that we are ready and have all the baby stuff we need. The more we look at empty baby swings, bassinets and cribs, the more we are anxious for their arrival. Ben and I are enjoying our time together as we know it will be very different very soon. For over 8 years, it has just been us and our fur baby Drew but we are ready for the next adventure. Our next goal is 36 weeks! At that point they will take me off of any medications to decrease contractions and let it happen. At 36 weeks, our babies can stay in the room with us an shouldn't need any time in a specialty care nursery or NICU. Our doctor is on vacation this week, so we at least hope to make it to 35 weeks so she can do our delivery.

Our last ultrasound was successful and both babies scored 8/8 based on the things they should be doing. We could see them practice their breathing and movements. On Monday, they weighed about 4lbs 13oz each and will continue to gain almost an ounce a day. Next ultrasound and appointment is on Wednesday and I can't wait to see them. It is pretty crowded at this point but I still love seeing them on the screen. 

Continued prayers that we make it to the golden 36 week mark! A hope that I can get a little more sleep. My body is hitting a breaking point and I can sleep for about an hour at a time until the position is no longer comfortable. I would rather wake to crying babies and round ligament and hip pain! More prayers that my insurance company gets their act together, my claims are still a total mess and it causes me stress. Finally, pray that I will know if something is off. I have usually
trusted my "gut" but the hormones of 3 people will mess that up. I track their movements everyday but Baby B is much harder to track because his placenta is on the outside so everything is softer. Plus, their positioning makes it difficult to tell who is the one moving sometimes.I know the Lord is in control and we are so close!

34 Weeks 0 Days

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