Friday night, just sitting on the couch, my stomach felt "funny." That is not the best medical definition but it felt different and when I put my hand on it, it felt hard. I thought, "Wait, what was that!?" It didn't happen again, so I just dismissed it. Fast forward to Sunday (early) morning at about 3:00am. I woke up to that same thing happening. I read some info online about braxton hicks contractions but thought I should keep track of how often they happen and for how long. I had 3 in about 1.5 hours but then it stopped. I decided to call my OB office later and go from there. Luckily, my OB was the Dr. on call and I felt so much better talking to her about this. She told me what else to watch for that would make me call back. I relaxed all day, canceled plans and laid down to take a nap around 4:30. I felt something around 5 and then a few more soon after with the added symptoms of back pain and cramping. My OB was still on call and said that everything is probably fine but that I should go in to be monitored for a little while. We were on our way to United Hospital which is not our primary hospital but they have a higher level NICU. If for some reason we were to deliver the twins that night, United was the place to be at.
Ben and I tried to calmly make our way to United. Our nurse was wonderful and I kept pretty calm. I knew that there was medicine to stop labor from continuing if we were in fact in pre-term labor. They did a urine test first which took an hour to get the results back. During that time they just monitored the babies and any cramping/contractions that I was having. They were still happening pretty regularly but babies were strong and kicking. Thankfully, Downton Abbey was on TV during this long hour wait. Urine came back normal. Next step was to run another test. This is literally what the nurse tells me, "If this test is positive, it means that you may have your babies within the next 2 week." I totally fell apart. I don't really remember what I said but I kept is too early, it is too early. After my meltdown started, she then informs me that she needs to give me some medicine to relax my uterine muscles but now my blood pressure is too high. UH..YEAH IT IS! You just told me that my babies might be born before 27 weeks! I told her to give me 20 minutes to freak out, cry and call my mom. I will be more calm after that. I called my mom...poor woman had to listen to her daughter in the most frantic state ever. I could barely one point she asked if she should talk to Ben instead. I somehow pulled myself amazing husband was still holding it together for both of us at this point. They go to take the sample for the test and find that my cervix is still closed so there is no need to even get the test. WHAT!? All that panic for nothing but I was beyond relieved. Blood pressure went down and I got some meds to relax the muscles. The cramping stopped and we were sent home emotionally exhausted. I proudly said with a smile on my face, to the staff as we left, "I hope I never see any of you again." (Since we are not planning to deliver there) I would be eating my words 12 hours later...
Fast forward to 10:00am the next day. I won't do into these details but I felt like I was leaking fluid, amniotic fluid to be exact. This freaked me out way more than the contractions. I have read too many sad stories that started with this happening. I called my OB office again and the nurse didn't have the Dr. call me back. She told me to go back to United and get checked out. I was still so fragile from the night before and I wasn't aware of any solutions for this issue. Ben was going to be home in a few minutes and we quietly drove to the hospital. I cried and he kept assuring me that we were just getting informed. Before we left I begged...begged give us a little more time. Delivering them now would mean months in the NICU, daily challenges to eat/breath and possibly permanent issues for them to live with. I trust God's plan...but even the most faithful people will get on their knees and beg.
We get to United and luckily none of the same staff were still there. Remember, I told them I never wanted to see them again! We got hooked up to monitors and our nurse was not as nice as the one we had the night before but she was just fine. No contractions and babies were nice and strong.They did a test to see if there was actual amniotic fluid leaking and the results only took 10 minutes...negative. This was good news but now being in a hospital bed twice in 12 hours, I was having trouble feeling relieved. My OB knows me and ordered an ultrasound just to check the fluid around each baby as well as a test for their movement. The ultrasound tech didn't let me see the screen till the very end...I really hate that. They also can't tell you anything..the doctor/nurse have to deliver any news. The results were great...babies scored the highest they could and fluid levels are more than enough. We head home again just as exhausted and starving!!! We both didn't have lunch since we left at noon and it was now 4:30. The nurse joked about going to Casetta's...we went and it was glorious.
I have a follow-up appointment with my OB tomorrow. I am sure she will tell me that this can be normal for twin pregnancies and that they are just more cautious. I trust her completely but I have to say that we still have a long ways to go. We really need at least 10 more weeks and I wonder if the next 10 weeks will be filled with many ER visits, late night worrying, begging prayers to God and hysterical phone calls to my mother. The anxiety is much higher...higher than the first 12 weeks to be honest. I was prepared for the worst in the beginning but I didn't prepare myself for this. Every cramp, every back ache, every muscle strain...I just feel on edge. I expect to feel better after seeing my Dr. tomorrow.
We could use prayers of peace and assurance. It will all be worth it. I know God is in control. He knows every minute of their lives including the exact moment they will enter this world. Until then, I will value every little kick and movement.
Exciting(good) things happening lately:
Babies are about 1lb9oz each! With almost 4lbs of baby in my belly...I look like 33 weeks with 1!
I went to 2 different Moms of Multiples groups and loved meeting these knowledgeable Moms!
Thursday we start our Pre-Natal class just for multiples and we tour St. John's on Saturday which is where we hope to deliver!
My first baby shower is on March 1st thrown by my amazing small group ladies and then I get to see my family for a second baby shower on the 8th in Cable!
I realized today that I have a nice place to put bowls while eating :O)
These pictures were taken 72 hours apart...I think I look bigger!! This was also my last day to wear my first and favorite maternity top. It will be too small tomorrow!
25 weeks 0 days
25 Weeks 2 Days
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