I feel like my body has changed a lot in the past week. This crazy, abnormal energy I was still having up until 25 weeks, is now gone. Part of that may be that I am getting bigger or that the babies are growing now at a much faster rate. I am measuring at 38 weeks which means that I look full-term for one baby. My uterus doesn't know I have 2 smaller babies instead of one bigger baby. We (my uterus and I) are carrying about 4 pounds of baby, 2 placentas and 2 amniotic sacs. The babies will double in size from last week to next week. They are growing really fast! Their kicks get stronger every day.
I am learning to be still and rest as much as possible. When all these crazy symptoms started, my doctor told me to take it easy. This was the first time she had said that to me and not something I have ever really done in my life. I like to be busy, on the go, getting stuff done! My Jesus Calling devotional was very relevant that day. If you read Jesus Calling...it usually is exactly what you need to hear. It is written as if Jesus were speaking to me. Here is the devotional...
"Thank me for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of my greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sick beds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitation can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me.
Quietness and trust enhance your awareness of My presence with you. Do not despise these simple ways of serving Me. Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. My strength and power show themselves most effective in weakness."
Most of this journey is trusting that God is caring for these babies. I can control what I eat and how much I rest but everything else is out of my control. For the next 10-12 weeks, my job is to be still and trust in God. There isn't anything I can "do" but draw close to Him and rest in His truths. My emotions are far from dependable...but His truths never fade.
Some other updates from this week...
Cribs have arrived...getting their room ready! See picture below!
More conversations with the babies...sometimes they will respond to us pushing on my belly.
The new "digestive issue" plan has worked...praise God! Feeling SO much better!
We are 99% sure of their names...sorry, we aren't telling anyone until they arrive!
Took a tour of St. John's Hospital. Our plan is to delivery there but we need to make it to 28 weeks!
Multiples Pre-natal class was postposted (snow) to this Thursday.
New favorite food: PB&J on english muffins with a big glass of milk!
Baby girl has shifted her position and is no longer using my bladder as a trampoline! :)
26 Weeks 0 days
Babies' Room!
The walls are a light gray.
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