It is starting to feel like this will all really happen. We painted the babies' room on Friday, finalized registries, set dates for baby showers and the constant movement in my belly. But something still holds me back from pure joy. I keep thinking...what about everyone else?
Most of the past 5 years I have felt like others were moving ahead in their lives and I was standing still. You may feel that way about being single, a less than ideal career, waiting to start a family or tight finances. It is hard to celebrate your stage of life when others around you are not where they wish they could be.
I may feel this more since I know what it is like to be in that "waiting zone" for longer than desired. I just wish I could bring others with me and we can share our joy together. It is sometimes easier to be a better friend when you are both in the trenches.
I still know so many couples still waiting for their miracle and it seems with each blog post, a few more come out of the woodwork. I hope they can see us as a sign of hope but I know that is not always the case. I am finding myself praying more for the people around me that are being asked to walk through the valley. I refuse to take one day for granted and my way of showing gratitude, is to pray for those who are still waiting for an answer.
I pray for a marriage that is going through a difficult time.
I pray for the couple who has run out of money to do any more fertility treatments.
I pray for the single woman who is waiting to find her husband.
I pray for a family that is separated with no reconciliation in sight.
I pray for parents who have babies that were too beautiful for earth.
I can't help but ask God, "What about everyone else?"
I know we are all on different paths and writing different stories. I don't know how many times Ben and I would say to each other, "that isn't our story, we are writing our own" over the past 7 years together. If your story is at a happy and fulfilling place right now...don't forget about everyone else.
We are at 23 weeks today, only 1 more week until "viability." This is usually a milestone that most healthy pregnancies are not even aware of. 24 weeks is the earliest a baby can be born with a chance to still survive. We are obviously praying to make it till 37 weeks but anyone with complications will be aware of the 24 week mark. Right now the babies are about 10 inches (head to heel) and weight about 1 pound each. Sometimes I am amazed that something that weighs so little can "carry so much weight" in this world.
It is clear to me that I have two living beings inside of me. Feeling them move is something I wasn't sure I would ever experience and it is just as amazing as I imagined. Between the two of them, it is going on most of the day. I will never complain about this...ever. After wondering every day for the first 20 weeks, if they were ok...I will gladly take this reassurance. Even at 3:00am every morning...*cough baby girl cough* ;o)
Ben has never felt a baby kick before and it has taken us some luck with timing but this past week he felt his first baby kick from his son. The look on his face was priceless. Baby girl is in a harder position to feel her kicks on the outside but we have lots of time for them to get stronger.
We are extremely blessed but know when I lay awake at night, feeling the kicks of my blessings...I still pray for everyone else.
23 Weeks
I'm sure it was hard while you were still struggling and I got pregnant... twice. You are an amazing friend and this post shows how big your heart is. Those babies are lucky to have such a compassionate and thoughtful mom. (And dad!)