Our Church baby shower was so fun! It was great to see such wonderful women in my church community come around me. They are so full of wisdom, excitement and encouragement. Many of them were part of my Made to Crave Bible study. I think we will do a second round this Fall to help me lose the baby weight!
We have started to take our prenatal class that is just for multiples. It has been really informative and nice to meet some other parents-to-be of twins. Last class was on breastfeeding and it was really overwhelming. The logistics alone of trying to feed twins can make your head spin. We will just take it one day at a time...
We made it to Cable for my family baby shower!! I was so happy that my doctor cleared me to go because I have always had a dream to have my wedding and my baby shower at The Lakewoods Resort. I was able to show my Grandpa and Grandma my big belly and spend some much needed time with my parents. It was weird to think that the next time I will be in their house, it will be with two additional people! We got so many wonderful gifts...our babies will be very spoiled.
We had another ultrasound before the Cable trip and they are so big! Baby girl is head down and she even stuck her tongue out at us! We also got to watch her take a big yawn. They look perfect. Baby boy is breech with his little butt right in his sister's face. They were 2 pounds 5 ounces and 2 pounds 6 ounces but that was almost 2 weeks ago. They are growing about an ounce a day now! We hit another BIG milestone with 28 weeks...babies have a 90% chance of living if born at that point. Today we hit 29 weeks...even better!
We did spend some time at St. John's last night just getting monitored because I was having too many braxton hicks contractions. We were there for about 4 hours, tracking babies and contractions. They checked my cervix twice and with no changes at all, we were gladly sent home. I think I just stood too long at the Moms of Multiples Sale yesterday morning combined with a few nights of very little sleep. I am just praying that I can keep working until at least May 1st but that is really out of my control.
Here are some great pictures from the last few weeks...
The wonderful women of my Church Small Group!
Cable Baby Shower
28 Weeks
Since I am growing every day, I am going to wait to post 29 Weeks until the end of the week!
There is SO much support for breast feeding out there. I know it seems daunting, but if you are committed, it will be ok! :) I strongly believe breast is best, so I will also be happy to support you. :) Maybe you want to read the ingredients on a formula can, that is all it took for me. Anyway, Congratulations again! So glad everything seems to be going great! Your blog is enjoyable.