I didn't realize the low level of stress I have had this whole pregnancy until last week when it spiked. My one (and only) full-time co-worker in the state of MN put in his 2 week notice on Monday. We are also opening the new campus this week. To save you from the details, usually in this situation I would be required to cover the empty campus until they hired someone else. We would be looking at 11 hour days M-F and that would include 2 hours or more of commuting daily in rush hour. I have never been a person to say "no" to my boss. I have always been more than willing to step up and help the team whenever able but I have a new team to take care of. The initial stress of telling my company that I "physically" was not able to do what they were asking was really hard. I have only been with this company since August and even though I have been performing above average, it was still difficult.
The week continued to be stressful as I spoke with HR about how to navigate my limitations while discovering a mix-up with my healthcare plan. Nothing will bring a pregnant woman to tears like telling me my OB isn't in my network any more!! Luckily, it was a problem on their end...and my OB is still in the network. It took about a week to get the coverage plan for my co-worker leaving but that in between time was stressful. I was also dreading my glucose test on Friday. Then add the fear of losing friends that are still struggling to get pregnant and not being cleared yet to travel to my family baby shower. Not that I sleep much anyway but I would lay awake thinking about more than just diapers and sleep training.
The stress has had a direct effect on my contractions this week. What is hard is that when I get that first contraction, I get worried. I lay down and start watching the clock, writing down when they happen...praying that we don't have to go back to the ER again. This stress then causes more contractions...do you see the cycle!? I am trying to actively calm down every night but it has been tough.
I made myself a promise to never complain about any pregnancy symptoms to anyone beside my Mom and Ben. I have been good about this and this isn't a complaint but an observation...I am huge! My stomach literally is getting bigger every single day and rolling over at night is a full on process. The physical limitations for my body are getting more obvious every day. I give myself 3 weeks until Ben will need to put my socks on for me! God bless that man...he will have his own blog post coming soon. What is odd is that I have been this weight before...but it was so different then. As I start to approach my highest weight, it feels so different. Now, with every pound I gain...I know that it is weight my babies are gaining too.
As we move into this week...I can't "stress" how important it is to not be stressed! Easier said than done! I am practicing reciting scriptures, visualizing big fat healthy babies :o), listening to Christian music, using a hand massage technique that we learned at our pre-natal class and trying to enjoy these last few months. Even though my body is changing daily and comfort is something of the past...I am pregnant. It will not last forever and it may never happen again. I savor every little kick, every crazy dream (the babies were dinosaurs in my dream last night), every sting of heart burn, every bathroom trip and every person who asks me about my due date. I hope we have at least 10 weeks left but every day is a gift.
Memories of the last week...
Ben and his Dad put together the cribs for the nursery!
Feeling more and more movement throughout the day/night from the babies
My first baby shower...we are SO blessed!
Being able to do Facetime with my grandparents and show them the bump
Passing my glucose test!
Ben has stepped up (even more) to help around the house and cook meals. I am useless after 6pm!
Our dog, Drew wants to be next to me...even if that means laying in the small space between the couch and coffee table. I swear he knows when I have a contraction because he comes over and puts his head on my leg. He is our fur baby and will be a great big brother!
Ben and Grandpa Peter working on the cribs
27 Weeks 1 Day
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