Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's all about the weight...I mean wait

We are 31 weeks 0 days today! Every week is another big milestone. The average twins are born at 35 weeks so we are looking as meeting our little ones very soon. It could be any day but we are just crossing our fingers we make it till May. I am getting more and more excited to finally have our family complete but their health is more important. I will take a huge sigh of relief once we hit 35 weeks. The latest our doctor will let me go is 38 weeks...mid-May.

When I think of another 4-7 weeks of my belly growing...I have no idea how my body will look and handle it all. Luckily, I have been told I have a "body to carry twins" which I will take as a compliment. The only time in my life that my body was made to do something that has turned into a blessing. I feel pretty big and the only really painful part has been the"round ligament pain." These are the muscles that hold your stomach/abdomen up. Mine feel like they are going to rip every time I get up, roll over, and get in or out of a car. This is minor compared to being put on bed rest or other issues.

I have to wonder if I am handling the weight of twins better because I have been this size before? I am getting closer and closer to my highest weight...266. I have gained about 37 pounds for this pregnancy which is right on track. I was told to prepare to gain 45-50 pounds total for twins. At this point, any weight I gain feels like direct weight the babies are gaining. My body looks and feels SO different from the 266 pounds I once was. My face, arms, and legs look about the same! I am already trying to prepare myself for the journey back to a healthy weight after the babies are here. I have to be healthy to keep up with two little ones, a very active husband and our dog, Drew. It is somewhat comforting that I have lost the weight once before...I can do it again.

We have officially entered the phase where strangers assume that I have a baby due any day. The looks on their faces when I tell them it's twins and we still have 6 weeks to go varies from excitement to concern. I find myself struggling with this final "wait." We have been waiting to have kids for what feels like forever. Some days I feel like I have been waiting to be a mom since I held my first doll. I have never been so excited, terrified, overwhelmed, absolutely in love, unprepared but my whole life. We are waiting for our lives to change...drastically. We don't know when it will happen or how it will happen but our family is about to be complete.

Below are some samples of our maternity pictures taken by my dear friend Jess.

 31 weeks 0 Days


 Big brother Drew!! 

My parents gave us this for Christmas this year. Our only ultrasound picture with both babies! 
The frame says "Love at first sight."

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