Saturday, May 31, 2014

The days to follow...

I had spent so much time thinking about when I would go into labor and the actual labor itself, that I didn't think a lot about the days following the twins' birth. I figured the nurses would guide me on what to do and my motherly instinct would kick in. It was a rough couple of days but important to share so that others can get a glimpse into my first few days as a Mom.

My recovery went very well considering what some women go through. I needed help to do just about everything but was able to get around and be involved in taking care of the babies. The most awkward was when they had me get into a bath tub that night and I almost couldn't get myself out. I am a tall person anyway and between my super swollen legs, being incredibly weak and not have to get up off the floor in 5 months, it wasn't pretty. Comical now but at the time, I was about ready to just spend the night in there.

The first night after they were both is a total blur and I couldn't tell you what even happened that night. Tuesday was filled with visitors, attempts to nurse (notice I said "attempts") and lots of baby cuddles. By Tuesday night Ben and I were fried. It was midnight and the babies had just fallen asleep, so we turned off the lights to finally get some rest. Then a few nurses came into our room, woke up the babies, weighted them, talked to them and talked to us. I know they were just doing their jobs but this was the beginning of a very difficult 24 hours. By the time the babies calmed down and we had relaxed, it was time for another feeding. I basically slept 2-3 hours spread out over that whole night. I had the typical anxiety about the babies staying alive all night. Every little sound they made woke me up and I would study their lips for coloring and try to see their little chests move up and down. Finally, I just had to repeat this prayer over and over and over again to get any sleep. Lord, please keep my babies safe while I sleep. I still pray this every night because I still think I am dreaming. I don't know how people are parents without God in their lives, it must be very over whleming.

The next morning we met with the Lactation Consultant. Turns out that my 45 minute "nursing sessions" were actually not giving my babies anything. I was basically exhausting them and then when I would give them al bottle, they would only drink a little. In my mind, that meant that they were getting enough from me but they were actually so tired that they couldn't even drink from the bottle. Bless the consultants heart because she had to be really honest with me about what I was doing wrong, realistic expectations and what breastfeeding twins really would take. She is a mom of twins, born at 31 weeks, so I trusted what she had to say but it doesn't mean it was easy to hear. Between this and the sleep deprivation, I was a total mess. I wanted to go home SO bad on Wednesday and they said I wasn't in a state of mind to understand my discharge papers, so the main focus was getting me some sleep. The consultant wanted me to take a 5 hour nap before going home which I thought was a little ridiculous. They settled for a 1 hour nap (that felt like 5 hours) and a serious change in my outlook on feeding. They brought in a breast pump and I actually got something to feed my babies.  It made a huge difference because I had felt like I didn't do that very well in the past 24 hours. I pulled myself together and they let us go home. My list of what I needed to do to get my milk to come in was pretty daunting, including pumping every 2 hours, attempting nursing with each baby, feeding them what I pump and supplementing formula for a feeding every 1-3 hours. I am not someone who is against formula because I know it will take time for my body to produce enough for two babies but it was tough for me to see "equipment" not working like I thought it would. Trying to be subtle here :) My milk did finally come in on day 5 which they expected with all the swelling I had. We celebrated that day, big time! The work is not over here but that is for another post.

I do have to tell you about our first 20 minutes home with the babies, mostly because I think it is hilarious. My mom wanted to give us some privacy as we brought the babies home. Ben and I cried the whole way home, it felt real now. My Aunt Sarah read me this beautiful poem about leaving the hospital. It talked about how you just take these little, fragile babies and you walk right out the door with them. No one checking to make sure you are ready or if you have a parenting license. It was the moment when we knew they were ours to keep. We were excited to introduce them to our Fur Baby Drewby. We walked into the house and Drew literally sniffed both car seats and that was it. He could care less which is a good thing I guess. We have come home smelling like that hospital a dozen times so maybe he was familiar with it.

I was a nervous mom to get them out of the car seats because they didn't look comfortable at all. Within a few minutes, both babies were crying. I grabbed one to try to nurse but I had to go to the bathroom so bad. I couldn't find my squirt bottle since it was packed in one of the bags. For those of you who don't know, your squirt bottle is your best friend after a vaginal birth and you NEED it to use the bathroom. I settled for a water bottle and left Ben with two crying babies in the living room. After taking care of business, I grabbed what I assumed was the most hungry baby to try and nurse. I couldn't get the "goods" out of the dress I wore home from the hospital and I was getting really flustered. Finally, Ben just told me to take off my dress, so I threw most of my clothes on the floor. I am attempting to nurse one baby while Ben is trying to change the diaper of the other. He is at the changing table in the living room as I walk him through where the wipes and diapers are. Keep in mind that we stocked this thing 7 weeks ago, so my memory is foggy and I am on 2 hours of sleep. I am telling Ben to just "pull out a wipe from that container" over and over again, only to find out that the pack of wipes was unopened inside of it. Poor guy...but we survived. It was a memorable first moments home. After we took a few breathes and started laughing at the chaos, I sent my mom this text, "We are home. The first 20 minutes were chaos. You can come back any time." :)

If felt so good to be home and put babies in swings, bassinets and a cradle that had been empty for far too long. Overall, they have been little angels. Now that we have our feeding under control (still nursing, pumping and supplementing) the babies sleep 3 hours between feedings and only cry when they need food or a diaper change. We are very blessed.

I will write more as I can...

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