Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A change in prayers

Since the moment we found out we were having twins...we prayed to make it to the magical 36 week mark. We remember back to 10 weeks, 25 weeks and 31 weeks when we never thought we would make it this far. We are blessed and very thankful for the Lord's faithfulness during this time.

It is no secret that the past few weeks have been difficult on me physically, so it is no surprise that I am ready for the babies to arrive. It is just interesting how fast our prayers can change. For months we prayed, "Lord, please don't let me go into labor. Please keep the babies inside and give them more time." and then a few days ago it changed to "Lord, please let them come. Please don't make me wait another 2 weeks, I don't know if my body can handle it." God's plan for our babies arrive has never changed but yet our prayers constantly do based on our emotions and immediate circumstance. I am glad his plans are already done, the story already written because it shows how constant and consistent he is in all his promises.

The past week has not gone by without its own excitement. Our doctor appointment went very well on Friday and gave us a pleasant surprise that both babies are head down. Somehow, baby girl was able to turn herself during week 35 which rarely happens. This means that for the first time in our pregnancy, a vaginal birth had become a viable option. This threw me a bit as I have been preparing for a c-section. The change in position has opened up a whole new area of discussion between us and our doctor. During the ultrasound we also discovered that the babies estimated weights are   7lbs and 6lbs 1oz. The babies have been within a few ounces of each other so this was different. It is not something to be concerned about yet but they will keep a close eye on their growth at our next appointment on Friday. Ben and I sat in the waiting room after the ultrasound trying to wrap our heads around a possible change in our birth plan and what the weight difference means for our babies. It was a long wait while I resisted to Google "weight differences in twins."

Our doctor answered all our questions, calmed our nerves about the weight difference and gave us the go ahead and stop taking the medication that has been decreasing my contractions. We also discovered that I was 3 cm dilated and the doctor could actually feel Baby Boy's head! She stripped my membranes which usually jump starts labor and we were hoping for babies in the next few days! Well, we did make a trip to the hospital late Friday night with strong contractions every 3 minutes but soon after we arrived they slowed down. I was not in active labor. Myself, Ben and my mom left the hospital disappointed. This was the first visit that they were not trying to stop labor but start it. I really wanted it to happen while my mom was already in town for the weekend but we were sent home empty handed. What a different experience. We tried some other tricks in the book over the weekend but without luck.

We had another doctor appointment yesterday to check on some other things they were worried about regarding preeclampsia but the initial tests look good. I was planning to hear that I was at least another centimeter dilated but the doctor could no longer feel Baby Boy's head which means the babies have moved. We did an ultrasound to see what their positioning is and Baby Girl is more transverse (sideways) and Baby Boy has moved away from the exit. I feel like we took a few steps backwards but it could all change again at any moment. Baby Girl's move means that a vaginal birth is a risk that could equal a c-section as well. Their positions will be what makes the decision when we show up at the hospital for the real thing.

I am still spending each day trying to be thankful for another day of quiet and rest but we CANNOT wait to meet our babies. I have been actually getting better sleep the last few nights, the best in months. Part of me hopes that my body knows I need the rest for something ahead. :) I spend my days in a recliner, trying to keep the swelling down in my feet while I stare at an empty baby swing. I dream of what they look like and what our lives will look like in a week, a month and a year. Ben and I talk about watching Twins games with a baby on each of our chests. We have started to say their names out loud to each other in conversation. We also talk about the times in the past when we didn't know if anything like this would happen to us.

For now, we pray for patience and understanding that our babies need more time. We also pray about being able to go to our hospital and for a smooth birth, whatever we end up deciding on. We won't be making any announcements until the babies are here. I am not the type to share the play-by-play of their arrival.  Thank you for following us on this journey. We are almost there and soon you will meet the two little miracles you have been praying for!

 36 Weeks 1 Day

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